Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Treatment Cosmetic Surgery Facts

Cosmetic surgery facts ptosis of the eyelid may be known as the upper eyelid, that roof slopes. If the edge of the lid droop down enough, because a person is affected and in some cases, blocking vision. In some severe cases of ptosis, some have their heads back to see something and they can even just use a finger, tilting, lift drooping eyelids to the road.

Causes of ptosis

Congenital ptosis were also seen at birth and is caused by the muscles that are underdeveloped. However, more often observed in adults, where the thin twitch muscles and a drooping eyelid. This happens with age, from any type of trauma, tumor, carry with them that contact lenses and even some neurological problems, including paralysis or nerve miopati.

Who are the candidates for the improvement of ptosis good?

They will examine the hand of the surgeon, the eye or eyes is made. She looks at both the central part of the face to look good when they see no asymmetry. They are also made some measurements of the eyelids and photos as well. Your doctor will also check the bottom surface of the eyelid and the front with a microscope. They will then Options.

The treatment of ptosis

For cosmetic surgery facts, you will usually be made in a day and only under local anesthesia. Anesthetic drops are placed on the eye and you have also laid the anesthesiologist on the eyelids, to help with a blunt. A cut is made, where to improve your natural folds and the muscles that help shorten the eyelid to lift the lid better. Do not dissolve placed on stitches on the inside and on the skin.


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