Saturday, September 11, 2010

5 Cosmetic Surgery Facts

The first thing someone notices when they first met is the eye. If you have drooping eyelids, relaxation of the skin or wrinkles that can make you look as if you're tired, age, and also stress, with the tightening of wrinkles and removes the unwanted fat on the eyelid can easily look years younger again .
Blepharoplasty, also known as an eye lift or eyelid surgery, is one of the most common cosmetic surgery in Australia. This can be done at the top, bottom, or both eyelids to give patients a look, more attentive to rest the eye.
1. Blehpharoplasty What kind?
There are several variants that patients can choose when you pass the eyelid surgery. Ask your doctor what options are available. A patient may choose to have surgery on the upper, lower or both eyelids. The options may include:
• transconjunctival blepharoplasty is done on the inside cover less• Laser surgery upper eyelid using the laser seals blood vessels as it makes contact, which leads to less bleeding and swelling.• Asian Eyelid surgery, also known as Double eyelid surgery
2. What are the benefits?
After this procedure can give you back the face look fresher and improve the appearance of your face is symmetrical. This, in some cases can improve vision of patients if their vision inhibit sagging skin.
If you think the type of operation, there are many things to consider. Get quotes from various experts about the price of cosmetic surgery. The breakdown of all cost units (laboratory, medical, surgical, and anesthesia) will give you a better understanding of where the money was gone. Also, since this is considered cosmetic surgery, insurance usually does not cover it. Considering the type of operation, greater benefits than risks.
3. Understand the various procedures
There are different types of eyelid surgery that patients can be performed. If patients choose the upper eyelid surgery, this procedure is often done by creating a line along the external nature of the eyelid, such as bending over or around the eye. The surgeon will mark the first folds of the eyelids and lines. This is done to maintain minimal scars. The surgeon's incision and then remove all excess fat, muscle and loose skin.
The surgeon then ended sutures to close the incision site, and this reduces the scars, because they are in natural folds of the eyelid. Engraving can also be made from internal eyelid (transconjunctival blepharoplasty), which allows removal of the causes under eyelid fat bags under the eyes without leaving visible scars.
After the incision is made, points will be the upper eyelid in the eye tissue. The fat is then held with forceps and secured with a hemostat while a small gap is continuing to go the extra fabric. fat is then cut with surgical scissors.
4. How long does it take for someone to recover?
recovery process can take up to several weeks. Patients will need to use a special ointment first days after surgery to keep the incision lubricated. Doctors also recommend using an ice pack or ice pad eyes to facilitate the possibility of swelling and bruising. eye drops may also be prescribed to help manage pain and prevent infection. On the third day after surgery, patients may be advised to use the materials for comfort and eye sunglasses hot at least a week.
Points are usually removed a few days after surgery. You can also become discolored and swollen eyes for a week or more. After removing the items, you may feel congested or feel 'dry eye'. This can be solved by closing your eyes or look at the ceiling.
As part of the recovery period, patients were told not to bend to life or pursue activities that will increase blood pressure such as lifting or strenuous exercise. And people who wear contact lenses were asked to not wear it until the stitches heal.
5. Both Candidates Are You?
Like most operations, the best candidates are non-smokers who are healthy and have realistic expectations. Most patients want to have surgery to remove this swelling in their eyes, and removal of wrinkles and lines. These patients also require surgery to repair his eyes hooded.
Eyelids is very thin and stretch them. I am the first body part that shows more signs of premature aging. Get eyelid surgery all depends on the patient and what they want. If you are in good general health and ready for this, is actually a good candidate and will be done at an early age, if the options. There are many reasons that someone wants to have the operation done and the most common reasons are:
• protruding fat• Loose skin• loose skin• eye wrinkles and lines• dark circles and shadows
The cost for this type of operation can be run from $ 2.700 to $ 7.500, according to the venue, surgical fees, anesthesia, facility fees, laboratory fees and medications. The average, however, is $ 5,000 if both eyes done at the same time and funding can usually be arranged.
Final Words
As with all surgical procedures, there is a risk. The risks are eyelid surgery may be abnormal scarring, excessive bleeding, tissue death, persistent edema, among others.
There are many reasons why someone should choose to eyelid surgery. Before choosing this or other types of cosmetic surgery, conduct thorough research on the procedure and surgeon. Each physician must have some credentials and educational background to do this type of surgery.


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