Thursday, September 16, 2010

3 Facts About Cosmetic Surgery Facts

Liposuction is a technique cosmetic surgery facts used to the fat deposits from specific body part, but refuses to go wake of diet and exercise. Now one of the most popular methods for the removal of excess body fat is sought. Although a relatively safe procedure liposuction methods are continuously improved in order to improve the results. The most common is the breakdown of fat thighs, abdomen and buttocks.


to find Some people claim that the liposuction, the story makes a bit difficult to decipher have. There are some sketchy information States liposuction was first tried in the 1920s with less than satisfactory results. Supposedly, Charles Dujarier, a surgeon in France, the procedure following the example of Paris, who later died from complications of gangrene. It ended with a suction method to lose fat for years.

Liposuction come forward again in 1974. This time it was Dr. Giorgio Fischer and his son, Dr. Giorgio Fischer, Jr., both Italian gynecologist rediscovered. Rotating electrical surgical knife, cut the fat through small incisions are made from the body. The instrument used is essentially a knife wielding a needle or a thin tube made of metal. Fat cells substantially destroyed and sucked together with bits of tissue and blood from the body. Not as developed as today, the method still pave the way for modern methods of liposuction.

Side Effects

Unfortunately, many early attempts to liposuction, the patient experienced side effects such as bleeding causing abundant, permanent numbness, and less than perfect results in areas where fat was removed. Several surgeons began his own methods to develop specific liposuction technique. While 70 and 80 liposuction are constantly reviewed and improved. different devices are used, including bar needles different vibrations in the metal and even needles bladeless study. The disadvantage of these efforts is that the patient is a person who has a guinea pig for these newer methods has been, and suffer the consequences if the procedure will not work as expected.


In 1977, with blunt ends cannula by Dr. Yves-Gerard was imported from France. Less bleeding occurs and the nerves and blood vessels are not damaged in the manner of the older methods. It made it easier for fat, which can be manipulated. The recovery time after surgery was much shorter, and reduces post-operative discomfort. With far less blood loss, there is far less reason to fear complications. Liposuction, that is far from perfect, as is still, but the results are better than they have in recent years. The operation is in this way for several years.

In 1985, liposuction to change with the discovery of tumescent method developed by Dr. Jeffrey Kline of California. Dr. Kline, a dermatologist, to find a way to enable patients to liposuction under local anesthesia only. There is a lot less bleeding and skin do not seem to be as it used to be Berlese finches. Cannula was slender and much smaller from the one used before today. The surgeon is able to "carve out" area. Micro-needles used in tumescent liposuction removes some fat per minute, the needle is larger, but the removal of fat much more subtle and greater volume.

In 1987, UAL liposuction was developed by Dr. Michele Zocchi. UAL ultrasound-assisted liposuction, which offers a much more subtle methods of removal of fatty tissue. Cannula was reduced in size in 1998, which is about the diameter of a small straw. This allows the procedure to be followed less invasive and produce a more satisfactory if the process has been completed cosmetic surgery facts. Bleeding was low and recovery time was a matter of weeks reduced.


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